A note from Companies Office and IRD for Insolvency Practitioners
In terms of the new regulation there is a new field that needs to be completed when advising the Company of an insolvency appointment. The field is title “Appointed By”.
18 February 2021
Mental Health in the Workplace
Richie will be sharing his own journey with mental health struggles and highlighting the evidence based life style choices he's embedded into his routine to get better and stay well.
11 February 2021
Life Membership Nominations are now open
To be eligible for Life Membership a person must have shown outstanding service to RITANZ or to the insolvency profession and meet the general criteria for membership to RITANZ.
10 February 2021
Insolvency numbers plummet but there are still warning signs, expert cautions
NZ Herald Money editor, Tamsyn Parker, recently interviewed RITANZ Chairperson John Fisk to get his perspective on the outlook for 2021.
04 February 2021
A Summary of the Insolvency Statistics for 2020
As we look back on 2020, RITANZ has compiled a summary of the insolvency statistics for what has been an unusual and challenging year for the economy.
08 January 2021
As outlined earlier in the Chairperson's introduction to our Q4 2020 newsletter, 2020 has been a busy year dealing with, amongst other matters, the implementation of regulation as well as the implicat...
31 December 2020
Government extends business debt hibernation relief
Government has announced that it is extending the Business Debt Hibernation Scheme until 31 October 2021. The scheme was expected to end on 24 December 2020.
02 December 2020
Class Actions - where are we and where might we be going?
Class actions can follow on from, or even cause, significant insolvency events.
12 November 2020
Best Practice Guideline 1 - Remuneration of Licensed Insolvency Practitioners
Read it here: BPG 1 FINAL 22 October 2020. pdf.
03 November 2020