Insolvency relief in sight for businesses affected by COVID-19
The Beehive has released the following press release today: "Support is on the way for businesses facing insolvency due to COVID-19, with the Government introducing a package of measures in Parliamen...
05 May 2020
Hospitality insolvency - when the music stops
The hospitality industry is usually a good barometer of economic change; in times of prosperity, the champagne flows, but it is also one of the first industries to feel the pinch when the market turns south.
30 April 2020
Guidance for NZ companies in financial distress
To help Chartered Accountants, the Restructuring Insolvency and Turnaround Association New Zealand (RITANZ) and Chartered Accountants ANZ have published this guide.
23 April 2020
Covid-19 Further measures to support businesses
RITANZ, together with leaders in the industry has worked closely with MBIE to provide proposals to address certain corporate governance risks that now exist as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Level 4 lockdown.
03 April 2020
Message from the Chair - RITANZ Annual Conference postponed
The rapidly developing issues of CoVid-19 and impact on our planned May 2020 annual conference were addressed at our last Board meeting on Wed, 11th March 2020.
17 March 2020
RITANZ Networking Events postponed
RITANZ has been closely monitoring the evolving situation with the Coronavirus outbreak and is committed to protecting our members by complying with guidance received from the Ministry of Health at all times.
17 March 2020
Coronavirus update and RITANZ Events 15 Mar 2020
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that with effect from midnight 15 Mar 2020, every person arriving in NZ, including residents, citizens and tourists, will have to self isolate f...
15 March 2020
Life Membership Nominations are now open
To be eligible for Life Membership a person must have shown outstanding service to RITANZ or to the insolvency profession and meet the general criteria for membership to RITANZ.
05 March 2020
Flaws in Coalition's insolvency law reform
Following the recommendations in the Insolvency Working Group’s (IWG) second paper in 2017, the government this week released details of further insolvency law reform being proposed for gift voucher...
08 November 2019