Radio NZ interviews RITANZ Chair
RITANZ Chairman, John Fisk, was recently interviewed by Radio NZ on a range of issues facing our industry at the moment and the work that we as RITANZ are doing around proposed legislation.
28 August 2018
Important Notice from MBIE - Employee Preferential Claims
MBIE has advised of an upcoming change to the maximum employee preferential claim figure in the Companies Act 1993 and Insolvency Act 2006. On 30 September 2018, The figure is being adjusted from $22,160 to $23,960.
28 August 2018
Notice from IRD - new process for dealing with GST and refunds
Following the incorporation of GST into the new Inland Revenue computer system START, Inland Revenue has a new process for dealing with GST and refunds.
09 August 2018
Submissions sought - Insolvency Practitioners Bill
On the 28th June, the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.
15 July 2018
The Farm Debt Mediation Bill would amend the Receiverships Act 1993 by introducing a mandatory mediation process and deferring the appointment of receivers for a minimum of 10 days to allow this process to take place.
13 July 2018
Personal Property Securities Act
If you missed it, Mike Gedye spoke on PPSA in April. You can find the presentation here: PPSA April 2015.
30 October 2017
Increasing Trust in Insolvency Practitioners
The government is introducing a licensing system for insolvency practitioners, Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Paul Goldsmith announced today.
01 December 2016
Brexit – Initial Views on Likely Impacts for R&I Professionals
On 23 June 2016, the UK voted to leave the EU, sending shock waves across the markets and economies worldwide.
30 July 2016
INSOL International 2015 End of Year Report – Now Available
Catch up on happenings around the globe with the 2015 INSOL International report! INSOL International Member Association End of Year Report 2015.
30 October 2015